Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the "minor art", which consists of stimulating or relaxing the Qi of the reflex points that pass through the meridians, applying needles or moxibustion, which balances the yin and Yang, of each organ which represent.
Used for millennia of years, acupuncture is very effective for the treatment or prevention of many ailments and pathologies. And like other
treatments from the East, it is able to complement perfectly with allopathic medical treatments, helping significantly to heal chronic ailments, more effectively.
You can make a prior consultation, before deciding if you want to receive a complete treatment. Acupuncture works in the long term and is in
the course of several sessions, where the improvement is appreciated. We recommend following a treatment of several sessions, to balance the energy and recover your health.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.