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Yin Yoga



Yin Yoga is a simple, powerful and easy to learn form of Hatha Yoga that is also known as Restorative Yoga, and that helps us to balance our too busy lives, from rest and meditation.


The sequence involves only five or six poses, supported by props that allow you to completely relax and rest. Held for 5 minutes or more, this restoratives poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle back bends. 


Most restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.


A regenerative practice, slow pace, with postures on the ground made with minimal muscle effort, which provides an opportunity for the body to open, soften and undo tensions without much energy investment, thanks also to the combination with the technique known as " Mind-fullness ".


With a repertoire of about 20 postures you can learn to develop a Yin Yoga practice, which can be both a gentle preparation for a more active Yoga, as a way to relax after an intense effort or an Ashtanga class, for example .


Yin Yoga emphasizes letting go with minimal muscle effort in the postures, but its presentation includes elements of concepts of Chinese medicine, for example the concept of Yin and Yang and the energy channels that run through the body.


Likewise, it resembles a series of short 5-minute meditations, where, working the external stillness of each posture, we are offered an ideal internal "experience" or "landscape" to fully explore our conscience.


A regenerative session, acting from stillness, composed of sequences that



● Asanas to open and work the hips and pelvis.

● Asanas to work the spine.

● Four sequences more to work the meridians or main energy channels of the body.


A Yoga indicated in case of fatigue, to balance the energy after a very active day,

for those who seek a more meditative practice or to recover from an operation,

illness or injury, since it is a very quiet practice, and what is also more desirable

to practice in the evening / night.


Thanks to the positions we adopt on the floor to align the body, positioning the

extremities, joints, bones, etc., and acting with the effect of gravity as the main

force to create the desired action in the body, we can identify our limits and respect them, without forcing them to obtain some of the benefits of the most restorative practice of Yoga:


● Relaxes the physical body in depth.

● Calm the nervous system.

● Specifically works the connective tissue matrix.

● Improves flexibility.

● Unblocks and stimulates the flow of "Chi" or "Prana" ...


We use "props" when necessary (blankets, blocks, pillows) to favor a process of relaxation and release during the postures of Yin Yoga. Generally we are following the path of least resistance in terms of alignment and positioning.


Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga is a quiet practice, calms and relaxes the body, very useful when you are tired or low energy, since, by prolonging a longer posture, the work penetrates deeper into the body reaching the connective tissue and the bones, thus promoting cell regeneration.


Take all the time you need to reset your body !


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(max. 3 p.) without extra charges



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