Reflexology is the art of the application of massages with pressures, frictions and other maneuvers that help to detoxify the organs through the stimulation of their reflex points located in the soles of the feet, palms of the hand or head.
A non-intrusive therapy that turns out to be highly effective and complementary to other therapies that treat physical or psychic
This massage, always beneficial, can be deeply relaxing, if applied with the mixture of a base oil with essences specifically chosen to
treat nervous system imbalances, such as lavender, lemon balm, rosemary, chamomile, ...
Along with aromatherapy, foot massage, it is very appreciated for its power to release or transform emotions, traumas or
A massage for everyone, especially those who do not like to receive massages on the body or people with reduced mobility. A complete
therapy, which has been practiced for millennia in traditions of all ancient cultures, as a method of healing the body, mind and spirit.
Recommended for people with high mental activity, who do little or no exercise, but who have too many things to think about or those who
suffer from insomnia. With the help of good reflexology, the mind clears and calms down, apart from improving other processes in healing procedures with allopathic medicine.
Please, consult your doctor beforehand, in the case of being pregnant or if you are taking medication, suffer from a chronic or degenerative
disease, or if you had surgery recently.
Reflexology is a very effective therapy to improve or heal many pathologies, in addition to forming a good complement with other medical
treatments. But it could also be the case that it hurts. For this reason, we thank you that if you have any questions, please consult your doctor beforehand, who will assess the compatibility between
your medication administered and the reflexotherapy.